
刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING An integrated inventory model with capacity constraint and order-size dependent trade credit 第四(以上)作者 2015/06
Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering Integrated statistical process control and engineering process control for a manufacturing process with multiple tools and multiple products 第一作者 2015/04
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences Improve the supplementary service in hotel by scheduling approach 第三作者 2015/03
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING-GREEN TECHNOLOGY Application of Data Quality Indicator of Carbon Footprint and Water Footprint 第二作者 2015/01
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH A note on: Seller's optimal credit period and cycle time in a supply chain for deteriorating items with maximum 第二作者 2014/12
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Optimal ordering policy for an economic order quantity model with inspection errors and inspection improvement investment 第四(以上)作者 2014/12
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION ECONOMICS An inventory model with both stock-dependent demand rate and stock-dependent holding cost rate 第一作者 2014/09
Scientific World Journal Applying Different Independent Component Analysis Algorithms and Support Vector Regression for IT Chain Store Sales Forecasting 第三作者 2014/06
Scientific World Journal A Hybrid Sales Forecasting Scheme by Combining Independent Component Analysis with K-Means Clustering and Support Vector Regression 第一作者 2014/06
NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS Application of machine learning to predict the recurrence-proneness for cervical cancer 第二作者 2014/05