
刊物名稱 論文名稱 作者順序 出版日期
專案管理與系統工程學報 A Hybrid e-Learning Model for Project Management Professional 第一作者 2008/06
International Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing A case-based evolutionary model for defect classification of printed circuit board images 第二作者 2008/04
International Journal of Information and Management Sciences Retailer’s Optimal Ordering Policy for Deteriorating Items with Ramp-type Demand under Stock-dependent Consumption Rate 第三作者 2008/04
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Scheduling for a single semiconductor batch-processing machine to minimize total weighted tardiness 第一作者 2008/03
顧客滿意學刊 應用SERVQUAL與品質機能展開於文教產業服務品質之提昇 第四作者 2008/03
International Journal of Production Research Integrating application of SPC/EPC/ICA and neural networks 第一作者 2008/02
統計研究 股指期貨信息內含股價變動信息的挖掘-小波框架與支持向量回歸的金融建模應用 第二作者 2008/02
International Journal of Production Research A Fuzzy network for the Flow time Estimation in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Factory 第二作者 2008/02
Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers Retailer’s Ordering Policy for Non-instantaneous Deteriorating Items with Quantity Discount, Stock-dependent Demand and Stochastic Backorder Rate 第三作者 2008/01
專案管理與系統工程學報 Project Management Methodology as a Tool for Management of Technology 第二作者 2007/12