
研讨会名称 举行地点 论文名称 作者顺序 起迄日期
2010 Joint Statistical Meetings 加拿大温哥华 A Study of SPC under Run-to-Run Feedback Control 第一作者 2010.07.31 ~ 2010.08.05
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) GermanyBerlin Determination of the fault quality variables of a multivariate process using independent component analysis and support vector machine 第二作者 2010.07.12 ~ 2010.07.14
INFORMS 2010, International Conference on Service Science TaiwanTaipei Sensitivity Analysis for an Infinite Queue with a Removable Non-reliable Server 第一作者 2010.07.07 ~ 2010.07.10
第十九届南区统计研讨会暨第七届海峡两岸机率与统计研讨会 台湾台南 Recognition of the Mixture Control Chart Patterns Using ICA/SVM Schemes 第一作者 2010.07.06 ~ 2010.07.07
第十九届南区统计研讨会暨第七届海峡两岸机率与统计研讨会 台湾台南 Identification of the Contributors in a Multivariate Process Using Two-Step ICA/SVM Approaches 第二作者 2010.07.06 ~ 2010.07.07
Business And Information 2010(BAI2010) JapanKitakyushu Decision Rules on Process Capability Testing for Asymmetric Tolerances 第一作者 2010.07.05 ~ 2010.07.07
International Conference on Business and Information 2010 JapanKitakyushu(北九州) Implementation Strategy of Branch and Cut Algorithm for the IC Final Testing Order Selection Problem 第三作者 2010.07.05 ~ 2010.07.07
International Conference on Business and Information 日本北九洲 A Clustered Based Weighted Evolving Fuzzy Rules for Printed Circuit Board Sales Forecasting 第二作者 2010.07.05 ~ 2010.07.07
International Conference on Business and Information 日本北九洲 A Sub-population Memetic Algorithm to Solve Multi-objective Flowshop Scheduling Problems 第一作者 2010.07.05 ~ 2010.07.07
The 2010 International Conference on Education Technology and Computer (ICETC 2010) ChinaShanghai Bi-direction branch and bound method to solve the single machine total weighted completion time problem with job release times 第一作者 2010.06.22 ~ 2010.06.24