
刊物名称 论文名称 作者顺序 出版日期
APPLIED MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTATION A comprehensive extension of the optimal replenishment decisions under two levels of trade credit policy depending on the order quantity 第二作者 2013/11
International Journal of Information and Education Technology Bi-Criteria Single Batch-Processing Machine with Job Release Time and Non-Identical Job Sizes 第二作者 2013/10
International Journal of Lean Six Sigma Using LSS to improve the efficiency and quality of a refund process in a logistics center 第一作者 2013/10
JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT IN ENGINEERING Applying Six Sigma to Quality Improvement in Construction 第一作者 2013/10
International Journal of Production Research Impacts of collaborative investment and inspection policies on the integrated inventory model with defective items 第二作者 2013/10
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRODUCTION RESEARCH Impacts of collaborative investment and inspection policies on the integrated inventory model with defective items 第三作者 2013/10
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Minimising the total weighted tardiness for non-identical parallel batch processing machines with job release times and non-identical job sizes 第一作者 2013/09
人文数码与创意创新管理国际期刊 创新设计与知识加值个案-Vita设计公司 第二作者 2013/09
Advanced Materials Research Direct Extraction of Phthalate Esters from Polymeric Gloves Materials 第三作者 2013/08
Applied Mechanics and Materials A simulated annealing to solve four-stage open shops with parallel machines 第一作者 2013/06