
刊物名称 论文名称 作者顺序 出版日期
MATEC Web of Conferences Prediction of Partition Coefficients of Organic Compounds for SPME/PDMS 第二作者 2016/06
JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING A multi-stage control chart pattern recognition scheme based on independent component analysis and support vector machine 第三作者 2016/06
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE Optimal order policy in response to announced price increase for deteriorating items with limited special order quantity. 第三作者 2016/02
World Journal of Engineering and Technology A Particle Swarm Optimization to Minimize Makespan for a Four-Stage Multiprocessor Open Shop with Dynamic Job Release Time 第二作者 2015/10
Journal of Data Analysis 建构两阶段多目标之类免疫支援向量廻归模式于股价预测 第三作者 2015/10
Journal of Data Analysis 应用与比较多种预测技术于光学膜产业销售额预测 第二作者 2015/10
健行学报 考虑含不良原物料整合物料及成品之生产-存货模式 第二作者 2015/10
COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING Optimal dynamic trade credit and preservation technology allocation for a deteriorating inventory model 第一作者 2015/09
健行学报 信用交易下具有效期限新鲜物品之最适订价与补货策略 第一作者 2015/07
EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH Sustainable trade credit and replenishment decisions with credit-linked demand under carbon emission constraints 第二作者 2015/07