
刊物名称 论文名称 作者顺序 出版日期
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology A hybrid regulation system by evolving CBR with GA for a twin laser measuring system 第二作者 2007/02
Expert Systems with Applications The development of a Weighted Evolving Fuzzy Neural Network for PCB sales forecasting 第二作者 2007/01
技术学刊 以作业基础成本的观念计算六标准差效益-以PCB制程为例 第一作者 2006/12
Perceptual and Motor Skills Verbal and cognitive distractors in driving performance while using hands-free phones 第二作者 2006/12
Journal of Applied Statistics Measuring Process Performance Based on Expected Loss with Asymmetric Tolerances 第二作者 2006/12
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology A hybrid genetic algorithm to minimize makespan for the single batch machine dynamic scheduling problem 第一作者 2006/11
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Combining SOM and GA-CBR for Flow Time Prediction in Semiconductor Manufacturing Factory 第二作者 2006/11
Industrial health A field evaluation method for assessing whole body biomechanical joint stress in manual lifting tasks 第三作者 2006/10
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing An evolutionary regulation algorithm for the twin laser measuring system 第二作者 2006/10
IIE Transactions on Quality & Reliability Engineering Quality Yield Measure for Processes with Asymmetric Tolerances 第三作者 2006/08