
刊物名称 论文名称 作者顺序 出版日期
Journal of Data Analysis 考虑反映物料价格调涨的两阶层合作存货模式 第一作者 2018/02
Journal of Computing Science and Engineering Preface for the Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Technologies Meets Medical informatics 第二作者 2017/12
JOURNAL OF QUALITY 基于多种变量选择技术与极限学习机于饭店业销售预测 第二作者 2017/12
International Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences Data Mining Techniques for Forecasting the Medical Resource Consumption of Patients with Diabetic Nephropathy 第四(以上)作者 2017/12
COMPLEXITY Applying Two-Stage Neural Network Based Classifiers to the Identification of Mixture Control Chart Patterns for an SPC-EPC Process 第三作者 2017/10
INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INFORMATION AND MANAGEMENT SCIENCES Identifying Important Predictors for Computer Server Sales Using an Effective Hybrid Forecasting Technique 第一作者 2017/09
NEURAL COMPUTING & APPLICATIONS Sales forecasting by combining clustering and machine-learning techniques for computer retailing 第二作者 2017/09
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE Integration of data mining classification techniques and ensemble learning to identify risk factors and diagnose ovarian cancer recurrence 第二作者 2017/05
Journal of Data Analysis 员工对组织变革认知与工作满意度之关联性研究-以中科院改制行政法人后为例 第二作者 2017/04
JOURNAL OF SYSTEMS SCIENCE AND SYSTEMS ENGINEERING A Hybrid Model of Knowledge Management for New Service Development 第一作者 2016/12